Thank you to the MISD School Board for their dedicated leadership in public education and continuing service to the children of our community. #DistrictOfChampions #SchoolBoardMonth Gracias al consejo escolar de MISD por su liderazgo dedicado a la educación pública y el servicio continuo a los niños de nuestra comunidad. #DistritoDeCampeones
about 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
School Board Recognition Month
Cougars, special announcement from our McAllen ISD superintendent Dr. J.A. Gonzalez regarding plans for staff and student when school resumes in January. Pumas, anuncio especial de nuestro superintendente de McAllen ISD, el Dr. J.A. González sobre los planes para el personal y los estudiantes cuando se reanude la escuela en enero.
about 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
English Letter
Spanish Letter
Cougars, mark your calendar. We will have early dismissal (12:15 p.m.) on Friday, December 18th. Pumas, anótenlo en el calendario. Salimos temprano (12:15 p.m.) el viernes 18 de diciembre.
about 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Early Dismissal
Cougars, don’t let time pass by. Registration for next school year is now open. Call the school for help: 956-971-1167. Pumas, no dejen pasar el tiempo. Las inscripciones para el próximo ciclo escolar ya están abiertas. Llamen a la escuela para obtener ayuda: 956-971-1167.
about 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Cougars, remember to head over to Sam Houston Elementary curbside, our grab-and-go meal location, to pick up your daily meal bundle; you will also receive a meal bundle for next week! See the flyer below for details. Pumas, recuerden dirigirse a Sam Houston Elementary y pasar por su paquete de comida diaria; ¡también recibirán un paquete de comida para la próxima semana! Consulte el folleto para obtener más detalles.
about 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Meals English
Meals Spanish
Download the official McAllen ISD app and stay informed about what’s happening at the district and campus level. Available for both Apple and Android devices. #DistrictOfChampions Descargue la aplicación oficial de McAllen ISD y manténgase informado sobre lo que está sucediendo. Disponible para dispositivos Apple y Android. #DistritoDeCampeones
about 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Congratulations to the Cougar 2020 McAllen ISD Science Fair winners! ¡Felicitaciones a los pumas ganadores de la Feria de ciencias 2020 de McAllen ISD! #CougarPride #OrgulloPuma
about 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Science Fair
Attention Cougars: Free COVID-19 testing will be available for the community Wednesday, December 16th AND Friday, December 18th from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at Achieve Early College High School. Please see attached flyer for details. Atención pumas: las pruebas de COVID-19 gratuitas estarán disponibles para la comunidad el miércoles 16 de diciembre Y el viernes 18 de diciembre de 9:00 a.m. a 1:00 p.m. en Achieve Early College High School. Consulte el folleto adjunto para obtener más detalles.
about 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Free COVID-19 Testing ENG
Free COVID-19 Testing SP
Attention Cougars: Families picking up meals December 14-18 will receive an extra meal bundle each day. These meals are for children to enjoy during the holiday break. Atención pumas: Las familias que recojan las comidas del 14 al 18 de diciembre recibirán un paquete de comida adicional cada día. Estas comidas son para que los niños las disfruten durante el receso.
about 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Meals English
Meals Spanish
Attention Cougars: Free COVID-19 testing will be available for the community Saturday, December 12th from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at Achieve Early College High School. Please see attached flyer for details.
about 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Free COVID-19 Testing
Free COVID-19 Testing Spanish
Cougars, registration for next school year is now open! ¡Pumas, la inscripción para el próximo ciclo escolar ya está disponible! Register here/Inscribete aquí:
about 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
McAllen ISD Child Nutrition Program menus are now posted on our website. Visit for a complete list of meal sites, schedules, and December menus. #WeAreReady #DistrictofChampions
about 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Menu Announcement Eng
Menu Announcement Sp
Cougar family, let's get into the holiday spirit! Celebrate with us, and participate in the Cougar 12 Days of Holiday Cheer starting Wednesday, December 3rd. #WeAreReady
about 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
12 Days of Holiday Cheer Eng.
12 Days of Holiday Cheer Sp.
Cougar family, the McAllen ISD meal program resumed Monday, November 30th! Remember to pick up your free, nutritious meals curbside from Monday to Friday at Sam Houston Elementary.
about 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Meals Spanish
Cougar family, McAllen ISD Child Nutrition curbside and grab-and-go meal sites will be closed Monday, November 23rd to Friday, November 27th. Meal sites will reopen on Monday, November 30th.
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Meal Sites Closed - English
Meal Sites Closed - Spanish
Cougars, we don't have classes starting Friday, November 20th to Friday, November 27th. Classes resume Monday, November 30th. Please take care and stay safe.
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Thanksgiving Break
Vacaciones de Acción de Gracias
Cougars, mark your calendar. There will be free COVID-19 testing at Achieve Early College High School on Friday, November 20th from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. for anyone in the community. No registration is required.
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Free COVID-19 Testing
Cougars, there's always something to be thankful for! Gratitude Week begins today: Monday, November 16th. Be sure to give thanks by participating in our Gratitude Week Celebration. #WeAreReady #BeThankful #GiveThanks
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Gratitude Week English
Gratitude Week Spanish
Cougars, Friday, November 13th is World Kindness Day. "In a world where you can be anything, be kind!"
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
World Kindness Day: November 13
Cougars, Wednesday, November 11th is Veterans Day. On this day, we honor and thank all who served in the United States Armed Forces.
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Veterans Day: November 11th