Cougars, remember to complete the wellness screening on Skyward. Watch the videos to see how. English Version Video Link: Spanish Version Video Link:
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Wellness Screening
Cougars, we have an important message from our principal: D. Thomas. Video Link to Message:
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Message from our principal: D. Thomas
Cougar parents, please stop by Sam Houston tomorrow, Thurs., Nov. 5 from 8am-6pm for your child's 3rd six weeks books and materials.
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Curbside Material Distribution
Hola pumas, McAllen ISD ha preparado un video sobre qué se espera cuando los estudiantes regresen a la escuela para el aprendizaje cara a cara. Este video le mostrará los protocolos de seguridad que hemos implementado para mantener sano a su hijo. Enlace:
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Spanish Video: Safety Protocols
Cougar family, our district has put together a video on what to expect when students report back to school for face to face learning. This video will show the safety features we have implemented to keep students safe. Video Link:
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Video: Safety Protocols
Character counts, just say no! Let's celebrate Red Ribbon Week by wearing your book character costume! #BeDrugFree
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Friday: October 30th
¡El carácter cuenta, solo di no! ¡Celebremos la Semana del Listón Rojo vistiendo como tu personaje favorito del libro que te gusta! #BeDrugFree
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Red Ribbon Week: Spanish Friday
My future is bright DRUG FREE! Let's celebrate Red Ribbon Week by wearing bright or neon colors! #BeDrugFree
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Thursday: October 29th
Mi futuro es brillante ¡LIBRE DE DROGAS! ¡Celebremos la Semana del Listón Rojo vistiendo colores brillantes o neón! #BeDrugFree
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Red Ribbon Week: Spanish Thursday
Let's team up against drugs! Let's celebrate Red Ribbon Week by wearing your favorite sports jersey or team shirt! #BeDrugFree
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Wednesday: October 28th
¡Hagamos equipo contra las drogas! ¡Celebremos la Semana del Listón Rojo vistiendo tu camiseta deportiva favorita o la camiseta de tu equipo favorito! #BeDrugFree
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Red Ribbon Week: Spanish Wednesday
Cougars, save the date. Curbside material distribution is scheduled for Thursday, November 5th from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Be sure to pick up materials on north side of school. Please stay in your vehicle and wear a mask.
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Nov Distribution English
Nov Distribution Spanish
¡Los superhéroes tienen el poder de decir no a las drogas! ¡Celebremos la Semana del Listón Rojo vistiendo una camiseta de superhéroe!
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Red Ribbon WEek: Spanish Tuesday
Superheroes have the power to say no to drugs! Let's celebrate Red Ribbon Week by wearing a superhero shirt! #BeDrugFree
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Tuesday: October 27th
¡Un yo saludable está LIBRE DE DROGAS! ¡Celebremos la semana del listón rojo vistiendo de rojo hoy! #BeDrugFree
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Red Ribbon Week: Spanish Monday
A healthy me is DRUG FREE! Let's celebrate Red Ribbon Week by wearing red today! #BeDrugFree
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Monday: October 26th
Pumas, sean felices. Sean valientes. Vivan su vida libre de drogas. La semana del listón rojo es la próxima semana: del lunes 26 de octubre al viernes 30 de octubre. Comprométete a vivir una vida libre de drogas y participa en nuestra celebración virtual de la semana del listón rojo a partir del lunes 26 de octubre. #RedRibbonWeek #BeHappyBeBraveBeDrugFree
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Spanish: Red Ribbon Week
Cougars, please hear what McAllen ISD Superintendent Dr. J.A. Gonzalez has to say about receiving statewide attention for leading our district during extraordinary times. Click the link: #WeAreReady
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Social Life: Episode 21
Cougars, Be Happy. Be Brave. Be Drug Free. Red Ribbon week is next week: Monday, October 26th - Friday, October 30th! Pledge to be drug free and participate in our virtual Red Ribbon Week celebration starting Monday, October 26th. #RedRibbonWeek #BeHappyBeBraveBeDrugFree
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Red Ribbon Week
McAllen ISD is proud to announce the addition of dinner to our daily meal bundle. Children will now receive breakfast, lunch, and dinner at our sites each day. Visit our website at for a complete list of meal locations and schedules. #DistrictOfChampions #WeAreReady
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Now Serving Dinner