McAllen ISD's Parent and Family Engagement Program invites you to participate in virtual classes. It is not too late to register! Parents can choose classes that include decorating, culinary arts, sewing, job skills, ESL & GED. You can also earn certifications in HVAC and welding. Classes begin Oct. 27. For more information, call the office of State & Federal Programs at 956-632-3232 or visit their website:
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Virtual Evening Classes
Spanish Virtual Evening Classes
Cougars, Be Happy. Be Brave. Be Drug Free. Red Ribbon week is next week: Monday, October 26th - Friday, October 30th! Pledge to be drug free and participate in our virtual Red Ribbon Week celebration starting Monday, October 26th. #RedRibbonWeek #BeHappyBeBraveBeDrugFree
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Red Ribbon Week
October 21st is Unity Day. Wear orange TODAY to share kindness, promote acceptance, and encourage inclusion! #UnityDay2020
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Unity Day: October 21st
Please see our new meal pick up locations; por favor vea las nuevas ubicaciones para recoger comida.
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
New Meal Pick Up Locations
It's National School Bus Safety Week! #DistrictOfChampions
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
National School Bus Safety Week
School Bus Safety
WEDNESDAY, October 21st is Unity Day. Wear orange ON WEDNESDAY to share kindness, promote acceptance, and encourage inclusion! #UnityDay2020
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Unity Day: October 21st
¡Descarga la aplicación de McAllen ISD! Al cambiar a un nuevo sistema de mensajería, estamos realizando una prueba. Por favor lea el mensaje y espere a recibir un MENSAJE DE PRUEBA más tarde hoy.
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Spanish: MISD App - Test Message
Get the MISD App! As we switch to a new messaging system, we are conducting a test. Please read the explanation message & watch for a TEST MESSAGE coming to you later today.
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
MISD App - Test Message
Message from our principal: D. Thomas
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Message from our principal: D. Thomas
McAllen ISD Child Nutrition Program meal location update. List of sites:
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Meal Location Update
Actualización de los sitios de comidas de McAllen ISD Child Nutrition Program. Lista de sitios de comidas:
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Actualizacion: Sitio de Comidas
It is National School Lunch Week! Follow the MISD Child Nutrition Program on facebook here:
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
National School Lunch Week
Get involved! #GoRedForDyslexia For more information:
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Get Involved: Go Red for Dyslexia
The Governor of Texas Greg Abbott has proclaimed the month of October to be Principals' Month. Special thanks to our amazing principal, Ms. Thomas! We LOVE you!
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Principals' Month: Congratulations to Ms. Thomas
Atención familias de McAllen ISD, el Lunes 12 de Octubre es un día de clima para McAllen ISD. No hay escuela y nuestro programa de comidas estará cerrado. ¡Nos vemos el martes!
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Attention McAllen ISD families, Monday, October 12, is a Weather Day for McAllen ISD. There is no school and our meal program will be closed. We will see you Tuesday! #DistrictOfChampions #DistrictOfChoice #WeAreReady
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Weather Day: October 12th
SuperTalk Episode 19: Join us for a compelling conversation about Covid-19 between Dr. J.A. Gonzalez and local health professional Jonsete Reyna, FNP-C.
over 4 years ago, McAllen ISD
SuperTalk EP:19
Monday, October 12th is a WEATHER DAY! We will NOT have any classes on Monday, October 12th, so meals will NOT be distributed on this day. Don't forget to stop by Sam Houston on Friday, October 9th to pick up meals for two days. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
October 12th - Weather Day
FREE COVID-19 testing will be available at Achieve Early College starting Tuesday, October 6th and ending Thursday, October 8th.
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Free COVID-19 Testing
Spanish: Free COVID-19 Testing
Message from Superintendent - Census 2020 Mensaje del Superintendente - Censo 2020
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Message from Superintendent
Spanish: Message from Superintendent