💝 Cougar Family, the Sam Houston Elementary Toy Drive is happening now. Donate a new, unwrapped toy, and gift a smile to a child this holiday season. #StrongerTogether #CougarPride #DistrictOfChampions
over 1 year ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Toy Drive English
Toy Drive Spanish
📢 Cougar family, check out our December Counselor's Corner Newsletter! 💚🧠💛 📢 ¡Familia Cougar, consulte el boletín informativo titulado Counselor's Corner para el mes de diciembre! 💚🧠💛 #StrongerTogether #CougarPride #DistrictOfChampions
over 1 year ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Counselor's Corner English
Counselor's Corner Spanish
🤩 Cougars are college bound! Fifth grade Cougars toured the UTRGV campus, engaged in various STEM Center hands-on activities, and enjoyed the H‑E‑B Planetarium. Thank you to UTRGV for hosting our 5th grade Cougars! Go Vaqueros! #StrongerTogether #CougarPride #DistrictOfChampions
over 1 year ago, Sam Houston Elementary
👨‍🔬 Mrs. Benavidez's Cougars are scientists in the making!💡🔦 They recently experimented with increasing and decreasing light energy while working on a search and find. #StrongerTogether #CougarPride #DistrictOfChampions
over 1 year ago, Sam Houston Elementary
😃 Cougar family, happy December! Read the 💚Library Talk💛, our library newsletter. 📚 😃¡Familia Cougar, feliz diciembre! Lea 💚Library Talk💛, nuestro boletín informativo de la biblioteca.📚 #StrongerTogether #CougarPride #DistrictOfChampions #ReadersAreLeaders
over 1 year ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Library Talk English
Library Talk Spanish
🌮🍔 Cougar family, December is here! Make sure to check our delicious 😋 menu for the month. 🌮🍔 ¡Familia Cougar, diciembre ya está aquí! Asegúrense de consultar nuestro delicioso 😋 menú. #StrongerTogether #CougarPride #DistrictOfChampions
over 1 year ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Elementary Menu
PK Menu
💙🏀💛Attention Cougars, the future Dobies: You are invited to Future Dobie Night at Brown Middle School to watch the Brown Dobies play the Kennedy Razorbacks on Thursday, Dec. 7 at 6:00 p.m. Be sure to present the attached flyer at the door for free admission! #StrongerTogether
over 1 year ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Dobie Night
🗓️ Cougar family, you have an important benchmark reminder! 🗓️ ¡Familia Cougar, tienen un recordatorio importante! #StrongerTogether #CougarPride #DistrictOfChampions
over 1 year ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Science Benchmark English
Science Benchmark Spanish
👷 Houstonville's Little Builders received on-the-job-training! 💚 🙏 💛 Thank you to Noble Construction for the informative training session. #McAllenISDGratitudeSnaps #StrongerTogether #CougarPride #DistrictOfChampions
over 1 year ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Main Pic
🏀⚽ Cougar Announcement for 5th grade Cougars: The ELEVATE Sports League is open for registration until Friday, December 8th. Please see attached flyers for details. #StrongerTogether #CougarPride #DistrictOfChampions
over 1 year ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Elevate 1
Elevate 2
This Wednesday (November 29) McAllen Memorial High School will host their 5th grade Girls basketball & Boys soccer camps. They are free of charge! See attached flyers for details.
over 1 year ago, Sam Houston Elementary
🌟🥇🌟 We are #StongerTogether! Sam Houston Elementary had the highest school attendance in the district for the 2nd six weeks! We are grateful for such amazing accomplishment! 💪 #McAllenISDGratitudeSnaps #CougarPride #DistrictOfChampions
over 1 year ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Main Cover 1
🗓️ Cougar family, you have an important benchmark reminder! 🗓️ ¡Familia Cougar, tienen un recordatorio importante! #StrongerTogether #CougarPride #DistrictOfChampions
over 1 year ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Math Benchmark English
Math Benchmark Spanish
🍂 Cougar family, our Fall Break is here! 🤩 We don't have classes Monday, Nov. 20 through Friday, Nov. 24. Classes resume Monday, Nov. 27. Enjoy your Fall Break! 😃 #StrongerTogether #CougarPride #DistrictOfChampions #GreatnessStartsHere
over 1 year ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Fall Break English
Fall Break Spanish
🙌🧑‍🏫 Cougar family, today (Friday, November 17) is Substitute Educators Day! Please join us in celebrating and thanking our sensational substitute teachers! Our schools could not function without you! 💚🥳💛 #McAllenISDGratitudeSnaps #StrongerTogether #SubstituteTeachersDay
over 1 year ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Substitute Educators Day English
Substitute Educators Day Spanish
❤️ Cougar family, let's show our love to the Cougar custodial team for keeping our school looking beautiful during our Thanksgiving feast! 💚 🙏 💛 We are grateful for everything you do! #StrongerTogether #CougarPride #McAllenISDGratitudeSnaps
over 1 year ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Custodial 1
❤️ Cougar family, let's show our love to our McAllen ISD Child Nutrition Program team for serving and prepping our delicious Thanksgiving feast! 💚 🙏 💛 We are grateful for everything you do! #StrongerTogether #CougarPride #McAllenISDGratitudeSnaps
over 1 year ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Cafeteria Crew 1
Cafeteria Crew 2
💚 🙌 💛 Let's congratulate our fifth grade Cougar Elevate Flag Football Team! The team won their game tournament yesterday evening (Wed., Nov. 15), and they will be advancing to the next round! See them in action today (Thurs., Nov. 16) at 6:00 p.m. at the McAllen Sports Park!
over 1 year ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Cougar Elevate English
Cougar Elevate Spanish
From infection prevention hand washing to recognizing stroke symptoms, Houstonville's Future Nurses received incredible on-the-job training at South Texas Health System. Thank you to our South Texas Health System Hospital for their informative training! #McAllenISDGratitudeSnaps
over 1 year ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Group 1
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6
Group 7
Group 8
Group 9
Group 10
Group 2
Cougar family, today (Thursday, November 16) is National Parental Involvement Day! 💚 🙏 💛 Today we would like to thank the parents who volunteer at our campus, participate at campus events, and assist in the success of our Cougars and our school! 🙌 A big thank you to Ms. Lane, our amazing parental involvement specialist, for engaging and involving parents to ensure success of every student! #StrongerTogether #CougarPride #McAllenISDGratitudeSnaps
over 1 year ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Parental Involvement Day English
Parental Involvement Day Spanish