💚🚒💛 Meet the Houstonville Safety Officers! 🙏👨🚒 Thank you to Lt. Mark Zamora for showing our Cougars how to keep Houstonville safe. 🙌 The McAllen Fire Department rocks! 🙌 #StrongerTogether #CougarPride #DistrictOfChampions

Fueling minds, nourishing bodies! 🍎📚 Join us as we celebrate National School Lunch Week and the importance of healthy meals in our schools. #StrongerTogether #NSLW23 #GreatnessStartsHere

❤️ Cougar family, tomorrow (Tues., Oct. 10) we go red for dyslexia! #StrongerTogether #CougarPride #DistrictOfChampions #GoRedForDyslexia

🚔👮♂️The Houstonville Peace Officers received on-site job training. Thank you to Sergeant Gaston Balli and Chief Victor Rodriguez for providing our Cougars with this unforgettable opportunity! #StrongerTogether #CougarPride #DistrictOfChampions

🗓️ Cougar family, mark your calendar! Students don't have classes Monday, Oct. 9. Classes resume Tuesday, Oct. 10. Enjoy your three day weekend! 🥳
#StrongerTogether #CougarPride #DistrictOfChampions

🙌 Cougar family, today (Friday, Oct. 6) is Instructional Coaches Appreciation Day! Please join us in thanking our outstanding instructional coach on this special day! 💚🥳 💛 #StrongerTogether #CougarPride #DistrictOfChampions

🙌⚽ Cougar family, today (Friday, Oct. 6) is National Coaches Day! Please join us in celebrating our marvelous coaches on this special day! 💚🥳💛 #StrongerTogether #WeLoveOurCoaches #NationalCoachesDay #CougarPride #DistrictOfChampions

❓How does matter change? Kinder Cougars in Ms. Valle's class and Mrs. Potter's class can tell you! They made ice cream (YUM! 🤩) to observe how matter changes when heated and cooled.🔎 #StrongerTogether #CougarPride #DistrictOfChampions

❓What are the states of matter? First grade Cougars know! They melted crayons and chocolate (YUM! 🤩) to observe changes in the states of matter. 🔎 #StrongerTogether #CougarPride #DistrictOfChampions

🙌 Cougar family, today (Thursday, Oct. 5) is World Teachers' Day! Please join us in praising and thanking our exceptional teachers on this special day! 💚🥳💛
#StrongerTogether #WeLoveOurTeachers #WorldTeachersDay #CougarPride #DistrictOfChampions

💚🤩💚 Cougars love math! Ms. Ramirez's 3rd grade Cougars review two digit addition with a partner! ➕🤓 #StrongerTogether #CougarPride #DistrictOfChampions

💚🤩💚 Ms. Rios's 5th grade Cougars' heart MELTS for science! 🥽🤓🧪
#StrongerTogether #CougarPride #DistrictOfChampions

📝 Cougar reminder: PTO meeting is scheduled for tomorrow (Tuesday, Oct. 3) at 5:00 p.m. in the library! Please join us! 📝 Recordatorio Cougar: Una junta de PTO está programada para mañana (martes 3 de oct.) a las 5:00 p.m. en la biblioteca. ¡Esperamos verlos! #StrongerTogether

🙌 Cougar family, today (Monday, Oct. 2) is School Custodian Appreciation Day! Please join us in thanking our wonderful custodians on this special day! 💚🥳 💛 StrongerTogether #WeLoveOurCustodians #CougarPride #DistrictOfChampions

🙌 Cougar family, October is National School Principals Month! It's an honor to celebrate and congratulate our principal, Mrs. J. Lowe. 💚🥳 💛 #StrongerTogether #NationalSchoolPrincipalsMonth #CougarPride #DistrictOfChampions

💛 Cougar family, October is Dyslexia Awareness Month! This month we celebrate people with dyslexia and raise awareness of their abilities. 💚 #StrongerTogether #DyslexiaAroundTheWorld #CougarPride #DistrictOfChampions

💛 Cougar family, throughout October we celebrate people with Down syndrome and raise awareness of their abilities and accomplishments. 💙 #StrongerTogether #DownSyndromeAwarenessMonth #CougarPride #DistrictOfChampions

🌮🍔 Cougar family, October is here! Make sure to check our delicious 😋 menu for the month. 🌮🍔 ¡Familia Cougar, octubre ya está aquí! Asegúrense de consultar nuestro delicioso 😋 menú. #StrongerTogether#CougarPride #DistrictOfChampions

😃 Cougar family, happy October! Read the 💚Library Talk💛, our library newsletter. 📚 😃¡Familia Cougar, feliz octubre! Lea 💚Library Talk💛, nuestro boletín informativo de la biblioteca.📚 #StrongerTogether #CougarPride #DistrictOfChampions #ReadersAreLeaders

📢 Cougar family, check out our October Counselor's Corner Newsletter! 💚🧠💛 📢 ¡Familia Cougar, consulte el boletín informativo titulado Counselor's Corner para el mes de octubre! 💚🧠💛 #StrongerTogether #CougarPride #DistrictOfChampions