🌮🍔 Cougar family, January is almost here! Make sure to check our delicious 😋 menu for the month. 🌮🍔 ¡Familia Cougar, enero ya casi está aquí! Asegúrense de consultar nuestro delicioso 😋 menú. #BeYourBest #CougarPride #WeAreAllIn

☃️ Cougar family, our Winter Break is here! 🤩 We don't have classes Monday, December 23 through Tuesday, January 7. Classes resume Wednesday, January 8. Enjoy your Winter Break! 😃 #BeYourBest #CougarPride #WeAreAllIn

💚💛 Our amazing dance team, the Cougarettes, performed at the RGV Vipers game, and they did awesome! Thank you to their sponsors, Mrs. Benavidez and Mrs. Rivera, and the RGV Vipers for granting our Cougarettes such amazing opportunity! #BeYourBest #CougarPride #WeAreAllIn

💚 📚💛 After meeting their Winter A.R. Reading Challenge goal, 175 Cougars earned a ticket 🙌🎟️🙌 to Winter Wonderland! 🤩🎄 Thank you so much to parents, staff, volunteers, and Mrs. Recinos for granting our Cougars such unforgettable experience! #BeYourBest #CougarPride

❄️❄️ Cougars wore winter white for Holly Jolly Week! Remember, tomorrow (Friday, December 20) we wear a Santa hat.🎅 #BeYourBest #CougarPride #WeAreAllIn

🥳 Cougar family, let's congratulate the Cougar Spelling Bee Grand Champions and the Cougar Spelling Bee classroom winners! 👏 👏 Mariel Rivera will represent Sam Houston Elementary at the McAllen ISD Spelling Bee competition, and Emilio Chavez is our alternate. 🥳 #BeYourBest

🎅 Our P.T.O. sponsored holiday dance is tomorrow (Thursday, December 19)! A variety of light up toys will be sold to raise funds for our school! Cougar family, please help support our school! #BeYourBest #CougarPride #WeAreAllIn

McAllen Memorial High School PALS and their teacher, Ms. Cynthia Oyervides, share Christmas cheer with Cougars by fulfilling their holiday gift wishlist letter for a third year in a row! We are very grateful for their commitment and generosity! #BeYourBest #CougarPride #1Pride

McAllen Memorial High School PALS and their teacher, Ms. Cynthia Oyervides, share Christmas cheer with Cougars by fulfilling their holiday gift wishlist letter for a third year in a row! We are very grateful for their commitment and generosity! #BeYourBest #CougarPride #1Pride

McAllen Memorial High School PALS and their teacher, Ms. Cynthia Oyervides, share Christmas cheer with Cougars by fulfilling their holiday gift wishlist letter for a third year in a row! We are very grateful for their commitment and generosity! #BeYourBest #CougarPride #1Pride

✨🎄✨ It's Christmas at the park! Sam Houston's COUGARettes are spreading holiday cheer! #BeYourBest #CougarPride #WeAreAllIn

✨ ⭐ ✨ Congratulations to the Sam Houston Elementary Accelerated Reader Classroom Leaders for the Week of December 9 - December 13!✨ ⭐ ✨ The competition for this week is currently in progress, so READ, READ, and READ! 🤩 #BeYourBest #CougarPride #WeAreAllIn

Cougars dressed like a candy cane for Holly Jolly Week!🎅 Remember, tomorrow (Wednesday, December 18) we wear winter white. ❄️ #BeYourBest #CougarPride #WeAreAllIn

⏰ McAllen ISD will have an early release on Friday, December 20. All elementary students will be released at 11:55 a.m. There will be no after school program, so please plan accordingly. #BeYourBest #CougarPride #WeAreAllIn

🪷 How do you breathe to self regulate? Our Cougars can show you! Guidance lessons with Mrs. Cantu, our school counselor, focused on self-regulation using ☕ hot chocolate ☕ breathing, a fun and engaging way for kids to practice breathing techniques to relax. #BeYourBest

👏 Congratulations to Mrs. Cantu, our amazing school counselor, for receiving the Counselors Reinforcing Excellence in Students in Texas (CREST) award for the third year in a row! We are proud of you and appreciate all you do for S.H.E.! 🫶 #BeYourBest #CougarPride #WeAreAllIn

❤️🎁 Cougar family, thank you for your donations to the Operation Blue Santa toy drive! ❤️🎁 Houstonville Peace Officers and McAllen ISD Police Department worked together to spread some cheer and sprinkle a little magic this holiday season.✨ #BeYourBest #CougarPride #WeAreAllIn

❄️ Cougars, next week (Dec. 16 - Dec. 20) is Holly Jolly Spirit Week! Let’s have some fun and dress up each day. #BeYourBest #CougarPride #CougarsAreInTheHolidaySpirit #WeAreAllIn

🤔 Migration, hibernation, or dormancy?🤔 Mrs. Gonzalez's third grade Cougars sorted and classified pictures to discover the meaning of these 3 words. #BeYourBest #CougarPride #WeAreAllIn

💚 ⚽ 💛 Sam Houston Elevate MUSTANGS soccer team 💚 ⚽ 💛 beat the Vaqueros, 2-1. Juan Galan was MVP, Angel Gonzalez and Dylan Baez were the best scorers, and Andre Galvan and Diego Rosales were best defense! Congratulations, Elevate MUSTANGS soccer team! ⚽🥳 #BeYourBest