Today is World Teachers’ Day! Thank you teachers! We appreciate everything you do for our children! #DistrictOfChampions #DistrictOfChoice #WeAreReady
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Thank you McAllen ISD Teachers!
Today is National Custodial Workers Day!
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
National Custodial Workers Day!
¡Un gran agradecimiento a nuestra comunidad de McAllen ISD! Hemos alcanzado nuestra meta de servir a más de 50% de nuestros estudiantes con nuestro programa de comidas comunitarias. Esto es asombroso y no hubiera sido posible sin cada uno de ustedes. Continúe apoyando nuestro programa recogiendo su almuerzo y comida nutritiva gratis todos los días. HOY, su paquete de comidas incluirá almuerzo y comida para el Sábado y el Domingo. ¡No te lo pierdas! Sitios de comida:
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Meal Program: Gracias
A big thank you to our McAllen ISD community! We have reached our goal of serving more than 50% of our students with our community meals program. This is amazing, and it would not have been possible without each of you. Please continue to support our program by picking up your free nutritious breakfast and lunch daily. TODAY, your meal bundle will include breakfast and lunch for Saturday and Sunday! Don't miss out! Meal locations:
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Meal Program: Thank you!
Attention McAllen ISD Families: Report cards are posting this week in Skyward. To access, please login to your Skyward Parent Account. Click on the Letters and Reports tab on the left-side menu.
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
English: Report Card Announcement
Atención familias de McAllen ISD: Los Reportes de Calificaciones estarán listos esta semana en Skyward. Para acceder, inicie sesión en su cuenta para padres de Skyward. Haga clic en "Letters/Reports" en el menú del lado izquierdo.
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Spanish: Report Cards Announcement
He did it!! Dr. J.A. Gonzalez was named Texas Superintendent of the Year today by the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) in a virtual announcement during the annual TASA/TASB convention. He is the first winner ever from McAllen ISD.
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and McAllen ISD is helping to share the message. Did you know that an average of 20 people per minute are physically abused by intimate partners? Go here to learn more:
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
¡Faltan solo unos días para la fecha límite del censo! Si ya ha completado su censo, ¡gracias! Pero ayude a nuestra comunidad aún más tomando otro paso. Pídale a sus amigos, vecinos y familiares que también lo hagan. Pueden completarlo aquí:
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Censo: Dale forma a tu futuro.
The deadline is just days away! If you have already filled out your census, thank you! But please help our community further by taking another step. Please ask your friends, neighbors, and extended family to do so as well. This kind of assistance could help our community greatly. Fill it out here:
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Census: Shape your future.
Free nutritious meals served at McAllen ISD! See the menu for the month of October.
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
October's Menu
Don't forget to wear your mask when you pick up meals at any of our food sites.
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Please wear a mask
Use un cubrebocas
We are loving the MISD app! Access food Menus, events, alerts, staff directory, and tech support, right from your pocket. Download the app on Android: or iPhone:
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
¡Nos encanta la aplicación de MISD! Acceda a menús de alimentos, eventos, alertas, directorio de personal y soporte técnico, directamente desde su bolsillo. Descargue la aplicación en Android: o iPhone:
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
¡Se esta acabando el tiempo para hacer el censo! Sea contado. Haga clic en el enlace y hágalo ahora.
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Time is running out to take the census! Be counted! Please click on the link, and do it now.
over 4 years ago, Sam Houston Elementary
Boys and girls, please remember to stay active!
almost 5 years ago, McAllen ISD
It’s wellness Wednesday! Show a picture of yourself eating something healthy or exercising! Post in the comments!
almost 5 years ago, McAllen ISD
At our Grab & Go feeding sites in our community, our loving staff from the Food Services Department are carefully preparing meals, our nurses are closely monitoring their health, and our police officers are keeping them safe. Other members of these teams are working with our Transportation Department to feed even more children through our Meals on Wheels Program. Thank you all! #DistrictOfChampions #DistanceLearning #WeGotThis
almost 5 years ago, McAllen ISD
This link will show you how to access ebooks from MackinVia. This app is located on the student iPads' MISD Apps. Este video demuestra como usar libros electrónicos en la aplicación MackinVia. Puede encontrar esta aplicacion en el iPad de los estudiantes en MISD Apps.
almost 5 years ago, McAllen ISD